Full Moon in Gemini blessings to you all. With this energy we are encouraged to use our curiosity, to seek more truth and answers and focus on how we can communicate the future we want.
Have your devices been a bit unpredictable over the last few days - said to be an effect of our partial eclipse today ? James Martin was having a chef's nightmare on live television earlier today my Mum tells me as dishes overspilled and the cooker stopped working. Could this be have been the eclipse effect?
With this Lunar Eclipse, the Moon moves in to the Earth's shadow and becomes hidden from view. Astrologers say this will remind us of the Gemini qualities we have have taken for granted. There is a silence, a slowing down of communication , a pause. With this quietening time in communication it would be useful to think about what really needs to be said. Some of us are using our lines of communication for unneccessary and toxic expression. Who and what is that really helping?
Use this time to reflect on your own inner voice. The one that knows what's best for your more than anyone else - the one we've perhaps neglected and forgotten to listen to. Trust and connect with it and see what comes up for you. A writing exercise is a good way to get this started. Don't think about writing something of quality but put pen to paper and see where your writing takes you. Start writing with no aim and know that no one else is going to be reading it.
With gemini being an Air sign our minds are bound to be busy, or perhaps feel a bit overstimulated. Is your life feeling too busy right now ? This is when bringing to our attention the daily tasks, the essentials of cooking, washing, cleaning and gardening can help clear our minds and keep us grounded.
The body parts associated with Gemini are the shoulders, arms, hands and our lungs. As the sun is now opposing Gemini in the philosophical Sagittarius it's time to reflect. Are your wings ready to let you fly? If you've been doing a lot of soul searching this year then maybe they are ready for a new beginning, a new chapter in your story that you're in control of.
For those who've been using their meditation practise or yoga sessions to full effect notice how your experience is over the next few days. If things aren't as easy as before stick with it and know that everyday is a different story and the breathing and mindful tools are there to be explored. Accepting how we are on each day.
I remember hearing Sri Sri Ravishankar saying that to find joy in our day think back to when you were a baby. We arrived full of curiosity for the world around us, exploring how our bodies could move, exploring sensations, textures and touch with our mouth, hands and feet. Being fully present in the moment - not worrying about tomorrow or next week, next year or casting back thoughts to the day before babies are a full expression of the present. It is such a gift to be able to continue that mindset and enjoy each day for what it is. If you're wanting to find more peace of mind this year this is a really good place to start from. Start with the simple daily tasks and see if you can give them your full attention, meal times are a great way to do this. By slowing down and focusing on our foods as we prepare them, chew them and enjoy their tastes we are helping the body with the whole digestive process. Let's use the Gemini curiosity to rediscover the simple things in life that can bring so much pleasure and satisfaction to our days.
The eclipse energy brings flexibility and change. Not more change some of you may be thinking. We will each feel this differently depending on how we are today. We are reminded at this eclipse to dig deep, seek the answers for ourselves and not just accept what apparent truth is presented to us by the mainstream media and news. We are reminded to think for ourselves. The easiest way of making choices won't build a lasting foundation on which we can all be proud of. It's time to turn it around, think big, think anything is possible and follow that with all your heart.
Look out for December 21st conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius coming up at next month's Winter Solstice. Exciting times of change are on the horizon.
Questions to ask:
Am I using my lines of communication in a positive way ?
Am I allowing time for self-reflection to make decisions for myself ?
Am I focusing on the present moment ?
Am I approaching my day with an open curiosity ?
Bach Flower Essence Suggestions:
Sweet Chestnut: for extreme mental anguish, you've reached the limit of your endurance
Scleranthus: for when we can't make a clear decision between choices
Honeysuckle: letting go of the past, and being in the present
Impatiens : for when we feel impatient, easily irritated, and want things done quickly
Walnut: Adjustment to change and times of transition, also good to protect sensitive people from outside influences, known as the chain braker
Olive: feeling the strain of the last 8 months, restore your vitality with Olive - mind & body energy
Oak: for when we feel exhausted but struggle on
Gentian: for despondency and despair, when we feel like giving up, when our mood is down.
Gorse: nickname "Sunshine in a bottle" for when we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel
You can order the above Flower Essences from healingherbs.co.uk. They're not expensive and will last a long time.
If anyone would like a one to one Bach Consultation then please email Sarah who will suggest a combination bottle to suit your individual requirements.

The Full Moon Gemini image colour inspiration has come from the sunset in Kerala, India. The vibrant colours as the sun sets is something I always love seeing as another day comes to an end and the darker outline is to symbolise the hard times past this year. I feel we're moving forward into a much brighter, lighter and easier time now.