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Libra New Moon

16th October 2020

Happy New Moon in Libra blessings to you all. This is a time to look at where we can find more peace, justice and balance in our lives. A powerful time for change if that's what you've been looking for.

The days are getting shorter and we are surrounded by change. In the Northern Hemisphere as we move into Autumn with the winds bringing down the warm coloured leaves we are very aware of the colder air outside. The winds may help to unsettle our minds, dry up our skin and push us off balance. This is an important time to be pro-active and make sure we keep grounding ourselves, stay with your yoga/meditation practise, spending time in your garden or nature, eat well and give your skin self-care. This could be skin brushing and as in Ayurvedya recommends self-massage with Sesame Oil.

Libra is the cardinal sign of the zodiac. It has been compared to a finely tuned wind instrument that produces stirring music in perfect harmony. " Air is the breath of life, and cardinal air is a metaphor for ideas put into action." Collins Gems Zodiac Types

Libras get things done but may spend a long time thinking about the right action before doing it.

Ruled by Venus this sign loves beauty and relationships.

The body parts associated with Libra are the lumbar spine and organs the skin, liver, kidneys and adrenals. So keep yourself well hydrated with filtered warm water allowing them all to do their job that bit easier. If you enjoy the taste of lemon this added to the water will support your liver function.

Libra likes looking for opposites, what's similar and then making the equilibrium. This always makes me think of my Higher Chemistry teacher as he used to call me " the Equilibrium Kid. " For some reason I was able to find the balance in the equation, regardless of my maths not being a strong point at that time. If only the rest of my Higher Chemistry had been so successful I wouldn't have felt I'd let him down so much. Sorry Dave, it wasn't through lack of trying I promise you.

The sign of peace, justice, balance and relevance with this New Moon it's an opportunity to look at and improve these parts of our life.

Challenging this is the positioning of the the Sun and Moon opposing retrograde Mars in Aries. This can fuel people against each other. Be aware of those stirring up trouble and let's see if we can remain patient with their outbursts and understand their thoughts /feelings before we react to them. Everyone deserves to be heard with an open mind.

Libras are young at heart with an old mind. They can be gentle and childlike with a wisdom that only comes from a mind that knows more than average.

Mercury wants us to release those bitter feelings towards others, think differently and remember what really matters most to us. Sounds like a good time to begin a personal journal if we haven't already which will help to keep your mind and heart connected. Be aware of people's hidden motivations and the truth coming to the surface.

Are there old friends you can reconnect with at this New Moon. If it's not possible to meet up you could write them a letter, our reliable mail service is still ongoing.

Libra wants to help others so be ready to seize this opportunity when it comes along. However if you're feeling too busy already make sure you take care of yourself first. It's that well known phrase " Put your own oxygen mask on first."

Be ready to notice when you have to stop and change direction with this New Moon. What can you learn from these experiences ? Instead of getting angry and frustrated resisting the change - how can you find your inner peace in the situation ? Put in place the things that soften you, nourish you and help you to be happy with where you are today.

Be careful not to let fear overcome our lives. Love is the vibration that can overcome all - it brings us compassion, understanding and the gentle way forward.

Find your balance, find your happiness and be honest with yourself and others and by doing so we change the outcome for all.

Our Libra Supermoon will remind us of how connected we all are.

A poem today to finish by a famous Libran Emily Dickinson.

This World is not Conclusion

This World is not Conclusion.

A Species stands beyond -

Invisible, as Music -

But positive, as Sound -

It beckons, and it baffles -

Philosophy, dont know -

And through a Riddle, at the last -

Sagacity, must go -

To guess it, puzzles scholars -

To gain it, Men have borne

Contempt of Generations

And Crucifixion, shown -

Faith slips - and laughs, and rallies -

Blushes, if any see -

Plucks at a twig of Evidence -

And asks a Vane, the way -

Much Gesture, from the Pulpit -

Strong Hallelujahs roll -

Narcotics cannot still the Tooth

That nibbles at the soul

Questions to ask :

  • What areas of my life need more balance ? 
  • Am I seeing things from the other person's point of view ? 
  • How can I connect more with my tribe or like minded people ? 
  • How can I connect more with the people I love ? 
  • Am I holding onto any past grievances ? 

Bach Flower Essence suggestions:

Scleranthus- for when we're unable to make clear decisions, feeling out of balance

Clematis - to help with grounding, when we have a lack of interest in the present

Walnut - Adjustment to change and times of transition, also good to protect sensitive people from outside influences.

Honeysuckle - If you're looking back to the past and thinking life was better before lockdown Honeysuckle will help you move forward, cutting the links from dreaming of how life used to be.

Mimulus - for fear, when you can name the thing you're in fear of eg: darkness, spiders, loss of job etc

Willow - for when we feel resentment and self-pity and bitterness

Olive - for tiredness, lack of energy in mind and body

You can order the above Flower Essences from They're not expensive and will last a long time.

If anyone would like a one to one Bach Flower Consultation then please email Sarah who will suggest a combination bottle to suit your individual requirements.

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I've used the colours said to be lucky for Libra this month : pink, green and purple and the metal bronze. May they bring you good luck to this month as you strive for your own equilibrium. Blessings Sarah

To read what the Astrology experts are saying:



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