Happy New Moon in Sagittarius Blessings to you at this Solar Eclipse. A time for us to look forward to the future with hope, be ready for more change and enjoy the lighter mood coming our way.
With this Sagittarius Eclipse it's a time to look carefully at how we make meaning of the world. Sagittarius loves studying religion and philosophy, they are the ones who see the big picture, the whole forrest, not just the individual trees. They dig deep to find the truth, seek the answers to their questions and will research many sources with a probing and inquisitive nature till satisfied with their own conclusion.
What does our Sagittarius Eclipse bring us ? It's said that Solar Eclipses are often times that lower our energy levels. Therefore we should make sure we don't allow ourselves to become too busy over the next few days, or this week. Give yourself some time for reflection, on where you've been and where you are now. Each of us has learnt a lot this year, it's accelerated our personal growth, pause and notice it. Know that as you move forward you're doing that from a much better place.
If we've been going through a lot of old mindsets or personal stuff again have faith that it's ok to let go of what no longer serves you. This is a good time to release the previous Capricorn issues and as Venus comes into focus soon this energy will help get us to where we want to be and to see what's really of value in our lives.
Are you ready for more change ? This Solar Eclipse is moving us into a new direction. We're at a turning point and there's no going back. Positive change will come from what we let go of. Be bold and allow yourself this natural progression. The Sabian symbol for this Eclipse is a bluebird standing at the door of the house. A happy image for a new chapter.
With Sagittarius our beliefs come from our past experience, the personal growth of overcoming challenges and painful times in life, helping us to make sense of and grow from life as we move along our path.
The body part associated with this sign is the lumbar spine and the thigh area. Be gentle to your lower back and appreciate the amazing strength that our pelvis gives our whole body, carrying our pelvic organs and for women who give birth opening up to allow a baby to be born.
This New Moon highlights what existing or previous beliefs are no longer serving us. The philosophy, the religion we follow - maybe it's time to make some adjustments. We are encouraged to use this time to take a detailed look at how we view the world.
So many of us resist change, and yet the natural world around us is changing constantly. Especially for those in the Northern Hemisphere who's location means seasonal change with significant difference. The contrast between our Spring and Winter is so vast it pulls out a completely different toll box to get through each time. The majority or people in the North finding the Winter a lot harder than Spring and Summer. However on a daily scale here in the UK we are also faced with constant changes. The Scottish weather can be so unpredictable, 4 seasons in one day, so we are used to change and being flexible even if we don't feel it yet.
When Venus moves into Sagittarius soon it brings an energy to companionship, pleasure, and the things within ourselves that others gain strength from. Sagittarius the traveller has been feeling constrained this year - they love to explore and see new places - new things. During this time we should experiment with new recipes, delight our taste buds with new spices, give our ears some new tunes or a different artist to listen to, feed our minds with some new authors. If this isn't possible then how in our daily lives can we look upon our surroundings with fresh eyes ? Find somewhere new to explore in your local area. Is there another path or walk that we've yet to discover?
We may feel a shift to a more lighthearted approach as Venus moves into Sagittarius, ( for some a relief from the previously intense Scorpio influence ). We're needing to relax a bit in our thoughts and feelings, and have some fun.
During this time the Venus energy may bring about new opportunities or an enhanced status. Keep your eyes and ears open for them. New information may come along that leads you to a new career path or highlights what your true calling in life really is. This would be a good time to get clear on what your personal gifts are and how you might use them. An old friend once said to me many moons ago - that I was carrying around lots of tools in my jacket but when was I going to start using them? I'd like to think he'd feel I was doing that more now. Are you doing the same ?
As Jimmy Connors said " Use it or lose it." I'm not sure if that's true, I think we just become a bit rusty, the tools are still there but they become a bit duller. But by using them with time and focus they can be polished into gems again and help to ignite those sparks of you that make each of us unique, a deep part of you comes alive again when you tap into your skill set. I remember reading once that by doing the thing we will gain the confidence required. So if there's something you have to share with your immediate or wider world take a leap of faith and share it. What is there to lose ?
This coming Saturday on December 19th is a really good time apparently to sit down with pen and paper or however you like to brainstorm and think ahead to the New Year approaching us very soon. What are your dreams for 2021? Can we plan ahead at this time? Absolutely, by knowing how we want to spend our time and what we're happy to commit to it's much more likely to happen. Dream big...don't have limiting thoughts, be creative and make it a plan to look forward to, something that excites your inner fire and helps your look ahead with interest, passion and a connection to life. Take charge, take control over where you are going. Use the Sagittarius vision to create a year to remember for good reasons. Aim high with your bow and set it off into a positive vibration for an exciting year ahead. It can always be edited and tweaked as time goes on.
Mercury joins with the Sun on the 19th however it'll not be invisible from Earth and we won't see it now for a few weeks. At this time we should be careful on any assumptions we make on any situation - do we really know all the facts? Although we'll be motivated to share our opinions this needs to be done gently, and with kindness. We've all faced unknown challenges this year, let's finish it with respect and empathy for each other.
A new beginning comes when Jupiter and Saturn enter Aquarius on December 16th. Aquarius is going to be a more liberating time for us all. The sign of broadcasting which will help bring us together. This sign shows up and says we can no longer do everything individually - team work is required. Aquarius likes to rebel against powerful structures of dominance - it's focus is on the future not the past. A future that has as it's centre our hopes and dreams not only for the individual but us as a community, a society. It's passionate about social justice and liberties. If you're one of the fixed signs then you'll need to learn to adapt and go with the flow more, Taurus (Earth), Leo (Fire), Scorpio (Water), and Aquarius (Air). Yoga will certainly help you with that.
Questions to ask:
Where else have I yet to explore ?
Am I making opportunities for diversity in my day ?
What changes am I resisting ?
What are my gifts ?
What is my calling ?
Bach Flower Essence Suggestions:
Rockwater: when we're feeling inflexible, and setting very high standards on ourselves constantly
Vine: for when we feel over assertive and an inflexible dominating attitude to others
Honeysuckle: letting go of the past, and being in the present
Walnut: Adjustment to change and times of transition, also good to protect sensitive people from outside influences, known as the chain braker
Oak: for when we feel exhausted but struggle on
Gentian: for despondency and despair, when we feel like giving up, when our mood is down.
Gorse: nickname "Sunshine in a bottle" for when we can't see the light at the end of the tunnel
You can order the above Flower Essences from healingherbs.co.uk. They're not expensive and will last a long time.
If anyone would like a one to one Bach Consultation then please email Sarah who will suggest a combination bottle to suit your individual requirements.

I wanted to use the previous image for Sagittarius that I'd created to combine the old with the new as we move towards the new Aquarius age at the Winter Solstice. I ended up using the same image but have repainted it with a more positive and bright colour scheme. The dark inner colour is to symbolise the Solar Eclipse and the lucky colours for this sign.